NT COGSO Executive and Staff

Executive team

Tabby Fudge


Tabby Fudge

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Tabby is committed to improving public education and is a strong advocate to the Northern Territory and Australian governments on behalf of families.

“A properly resourced ‘needs based’ public education system would greatly benefit our communities, both socially and economically. For every dollar we invest in public education, we save at least ten dollars in our health and welfare budgets.”

At the 2022 AGM Tabby was re-elected President for a seventh year. Prior, Tabby held the position of Treasurer and Vice Chair of the Palmerston and Rural Regional Council.

With one daughter in senior school, Tabby is a Parent Member/Treasurer of the Taminmin College Board. In addition, Tabby also sits on the Northern Territory Board of Studies (NTBOS) as the Parent representative from 30/12/17 to present.

Tanya McKenna

Vice President

Tanya McKenna

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Tanya is an advocate for continual improvement of public education on behalf of families. Tanya previously held Office Bearer positions on Girraween Primary School Council from 2011 to 2020 with a very collaborative group of parents, teachers and the principal on the team.  This team was successful in working with government stakeholders to improve school infrastructure and resources, providing more classrooms for learning, upgrading play areas and implementing wellbeing programs to improve student outcomes.  When Tanya’s children moved on to middle school she then nominated for and received a Parent Member position in their new school.

Tanya considers it critical that children, parents and wider community have a strong voice within the public schooling system, all working in collaboration to achieve excellent educational outcomes, without discrimination. Together we can do so much.

Richelle Kent


Richelle Kent

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Richelle has three children who attend government schools and is a born and bred Territorian. Commencing a School Council journey in 2013 at Driver Primary School as Parent Member, later holding the position of Treasurer on Karama Primary School Council and Batchelor Area School Council. Richelle is Treasurer of Sanderson Middle School Council, a Parent Member of Casuarina Senior College and a Parent Member of Nemarluk School. In her fourth year as NTCOGSO Treasurer, Richelle ensures compliance with all financial reporting obligations. Richelle considers parent and community involvement in schools is critical to achieving better outcomes for students.

Wayne Green

Barkly Region Representative

Wayne Green

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Wayne is a Parent Member on the Tennant Creek High School Council and has served there for eleven years. Previously Wayne served on Tennant Creek Primary School Council for over ten years. Wayne and wife Karyn have four children and two have completed their entire primary and high school education in Tennant Creek, while two remain at Tennant Creek High School.

Wayne is a strong believer in the need for parent and community involvement within schools for better and broader outcomes for students. He is also a proud advocate for the Barkly region and ensures Barkly voices are heard by those shaping Territory education.

Noela Anderson

Big Rivers Region Representative

Noela Anderson

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Noela is a Parent Member on the Borroloola School Council and comes from two language groups; Garrwa and Yanyuwa and has spent her entire life in and around Borroloola. Having worked for three years at Borroloola School as a Tutor/Assistant Teacher, Noela has now spent nineteen years in her current role of Home Liaison Officer, in addition to being an active participant of the School Council.

Noela loves her role of assisting and supporting more than 200 students, from helping them engage in the classroom to helping plan the schools Weekly Culture days.

Lauren Winter

Central Region Representative

Lauren Winter

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Lauren has been involved with various schools in Alice Springs since 1995 when her first child commenced in preschool.

Having served on School Councils, committees and fundraising bodies, Lauren currently holds the position of Parent Member on Centralian Senior College Council.

With a large family of 6 children with the youngest currently at school, Lauren is passionate about public education both Territory and Australia wide.

Simon Niblock

Darwin Region Representative

Simon Niblock

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Simon studied at Monash University and completed a Bachelor of Computing (Robotics and Digital Technology) in 1992, but not before realising that a career in computing was not for him. Involvement with student politics and the student newspaper led to a career in educational book publishing and the subsequent completion of a Graduate Diploma (Editing and Publishing) at RMIT University.

In the late 1990s Simon spent 5 years living and working in Arnhem Land for the Northern Territory Dept of Education publishing bilingual teaching materials. During this time, he visited and provided technical support to many remote Aboriginal communities across the Northern Territory.

Upon leaving Arnhem Land he established Niblock Publishing a publisher of local NT stories and a provider of publishing services.

Simon was an Alderman on the City of Darwin for two terms from 2012 to 2021, sitting on several committees include the Risk Management and Audit committee. He has been a member of the Development Consent Authority and the Chief Minister’s Activate Darwin Advisory Board.

Simon has an active interest in school governance and as chaired the Nightcliff Primary and Darwin High School Boards for over 9 years.  

Simon is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Noel Carpenter

East Arnhem Region Representative

Noel Carpenter

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Noel lives in Yirrkala community and is currently serving on Nhulunbuy Primary and Nhulunbuy High School Councils. Noel is active in engaging with others in communities and has a focus on working together to build education outcomes for all students. As a pilot, Noel provides air operations from Gove with Mission Aviation Fellowship across NE Arnhem and the Top End. This also allows him to connect in person with those schools across the East Arnhem region.

Tanya McKenna

Top End Representative

Tanya McKenna

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Tanya is an advocate for continual improvement of public education on behalf of families. Tanya previously held Office Bearer positions on Girraween Primary School Council from 2011 to 2020 with a very collaborative group of parents, teachers and the principal on the team.  This team was successful in working with government stakeholders to improve school infrastructure and resources, providing more classrooms for learning, upgrading play areas and implementing wellbeing programs to improve student outcomes.  When Tanya’s children moved on to middle school she then nominated for and received a Parent Member position in their new school.

Tanya considers it critical that children, parents and wider community have a strong voice within the public schooling system, all working in collaboration to achieve excellent educational outcomes, without discrimination. Together we can do so much.

Fred Richardson

Invited Member

Fred Richardson

Contact: 0408 944 265

Fred has lived and worked in the Northern Territory since 1973, including 32 years in Adult Education where Fred has specialised in the development and delivery of adult IT skills in remote locations. Fred was elected Central Regional Council Representative in 2015 and 2016 with a son at Centralian Senior College. Since 2017 Fred has served as an Invited Member on the Executive and is valued for his critical thinking and a creative and innovative approach to curriculum improvement.

Fred firmly believes that well informed families, engaged in the discussions and decisions that affect and chart their children's experiences and accomplishments at school, are a crucial part of the work that goes on to nurture the potential each student has.

Fred also sits on the Northern Territory Board of Studies (NTBOS) as an Expert member, term of office: 30 December 2017 to current.

Public Officer
Fred Richardson

  1. The Public Officer must ensure that documents are filed with the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs in accordance with sections 23, 28 and 45 of the Act.
  2. The Public Officer must keep a current copy of the Constitution of the Council.


Michelle Parker

Executive Officer

Michelle Parker

Contact: (08) 7942 2255 042 888 5353

Michelle is responsible for supporting and enabling the Executive to fulfil its governance functions in line with NT COGSO policy and constitution. Providing executive leadership, operational management and direction to achieve NT COGSO's Mission, Vision and Strategic Objectives.

With an extensive background in Governance and Compliance, School Business Management, Mediation and having held various positions on Education Boards and Associations, Michelle is a passionate advocate for the provision of high quality education without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity for every child.

Michelle has a son in senior secondary and is an Invited Member of two School Councils.

Annabel Fletcher Image

Executive Coordinator

Annabel Fletcher

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

As a vital member of the team at NTCOGSO, Annabel brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her role as a managerial support specialist. With a strong background in business operations and management, Annabel provides support to the Executive Officer and senior administration, utilising her considerable initiative and independent judgment to ensure that the organisation runs smoothly and efficiently.

Annabel's passion for advocacy ensuring equal opportunities for all schools and students in the Northern Territory make her an invaluable asset to the team.


Alice Gawler

Project Manager Community Engagement and Governance

Alice Gawler

Contact: (08) 7942 2255 0488 111 196

Alice is the central point of contact in relation to governance training, school community engagement, mentoring support and advice to ensure the Governance Training Program outcomes are successfully achieved. 

Previously holding office bearer positions on a School Council combined with a background in business management, project and event management and governance training, Alice is passionate about enabling all school communities to establish and maintain genuine engagement and meaningful partnerships through best practice governance and decision making.

Chris Garth

Training Officer

Chris Garth

Contact: (08) 7942 2255

Chris is working with schools providing governance support and assistance and is looking forward to connecting with all schools across the NT.

Chris has extensive experience in developing and delivering adult education training programs across the Northern Territory. Part of this experience has included VET in schools which was a particular passion of Chris’s.

Chris believes education is the most important part in empowering people to achieve what they want in life and is committed to improving education outcomes for all students in the Northern Territory.

Life Members Register

  • Mr Matt Skoss
  • Mr Peter Garrigan
  • Mrs Wendy Pelizzo
  • Mr Steve Carter
  • Mr Chandra Seneviratne
  • Mr Richard Creswick
  • Mr Alan Jones
  • Mrs Sue Kroemer
  • Mrs Betty Oates
  • Mr Ian Pontifex
  • Mrs Susan Taylor